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Египетское (цыганское) Таро Эттейлы


The GREAT ETTEILLA or EGYPTIAN TAROTS is not an ordinary game of divination. Its cards show mystical and allegorical symbols that go back to remote antinquity. According to transmission by word of mouth and old manuscripts these cards were first created by Egyptian priests in the time of the Pharaohs, they then appeared as illustrations in that great book called the Cabbala, and after that we find they were used by the Bohemians at the time of the Middle-Ages, then rediscovered in the nineteenth century and put into circulation by the famous playing-card manufacturer, Grimaud and finally today we have these cards perfected and clearly explained by experts in the playing-card manufacturing firm of J.-M. Simon.

The GREAT ETTEILLA - owing to the centuries devoted to experimental methods on how to draw the cards, weaves together earthly materialism with its joys, hardships, worries and celestial spiritualism which hold the facts of our destiny that no human power can change.

These cards therefore are a precious guide for all those who practise the Art of Divination as a profession and also for others who wish to have a clearer view of life.

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